Search for Self Advocates!

Hey everyone, as was reported in CLBC’s August 27th update, Down syndrome BC is forming a Self Advocate Advisory Committee! They are looking for self advocates with Down syndrome willing to volunteer their time to share their experiences and ideas.

Activities: The new Advisory Committee will meet a few times a year, discuss ideas and issues related to living with Down syndrome, and give feedback to Down syndrome BC about activities, vision and goals.

Requirements: Volunteers for this committee must be over the age of 16, live in BC, have Down syndrome and be interested in self advocacy work.

If you or someone you know is interested, send an email to with “SAA Committee” in the subject line.

Election Time!

Hey everyone, there is going to be an election this month on September 20th, and CLBC’s August 27th update had some great information and resources to help get prepared:

Elections Canada helps make voting accessible:

Upcoming BCPF workshop:

BC People First (BCPF) wants to help people with diverse abilities to feel ready to vote and to know their voting rights, and they are hosting a workshop on Sep. 13th. Join presenters and BCPF Members Jo-Anne Gauthier and David Sherritt on Zoom from 1:00pm to 2:15pm PDT. You can find full details and register here.

Coping with Natural Disaster stress…

Hey everyone, CLBC’s August 27th update had some great information and resources to help cope with stress caused by natural disasters. Wildfires and floods can be a major source of stress and anxiety. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, know that you are not alone. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has a website dedicated to information and resources to help.

There are also free, confidential support and crisis lines available 24/7:

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) presentations

Hey everyone, CLBC’s August 27th update included information about several presentations being hosted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for people with disabilities and caregivers:

  • Persons with Disabilities Presentation – September 2 and October 12, 2021 from 1:30PM – 2:30pm PDT  
  • Benefits and Credits for Caregivers Presentation – September 14 and October 5, 2021 from 1:30PM – 2:30pm PDT  
  • Scam Awareness Presentation – September 29 and October 26, 2021 from 1:30 – 2:15pm PDT

There is a full list of upcoming presentations and registration links here.

CLBC Update for Individuals & Families

Hey everyone, CLBC’s update for August 27th is now posted. All CLBC updates are posted on their website here and you can sign up to get updates using the link to the sign up page.

Highlights included this update:

COVID-19 and Rapid testing…

The Government of Canada has provided more information about rapid testing for COVID-19. Rapid testing has been an effective tool to curb outbreaks of all kinds. There are now rapid tests approved for use in Canada. They are:

  • Easy to administer
  • Able to provide results in 15 minutes
  • Critical for preventing outbreaks in workplaces with close-contact employees
  • Free for select businesses and non-profit organizations

More information about rapid testing can be found here.

SAOR Fall Conference!

Hey everyone, it’s nearly time for the Self Advocates of the Rockies fall conference! Check out the info below if you’re interested.

The Self Advocates of the Rockies is excited to share with you Fall conference, ‘Fall into Fall, Let’s get inspired’.

Please ensure that if you or any CLBC registered individuals which to join online regisitration is still available. It’s sure to be inspirational and fun!

For questions, please email the Self Advocates of the Rockies at


Time August 27th at 10am MST/11am PST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 5681 7796
Passcode: 571240
One tap mobile

Dial by your location (find your local number:
Meeting ID: 858 5681 7796
Passcode: 571240

COVID-19 vaccinations and second doses…

The Government of Canada has been reminding us that second doses of COVID-19 immunizations are important. Receiving a second vaccine dose for a 2 dose schedule is essential to provide better and longer-term protection against COVID-19 for individuals and for the entire community.

A different vaccine product may be offered for a second dose, which is known as vaccine interchangeability or a ‘mixed vaccine schedule’.

You can find more information about second doses of COVID-19 vaccines here.
