Hey everyone, there is a free webinar/workshop being offered by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) on June 2nd about the importance of practicing self-care as a caregiver – check it out and pass it on!
Free webinar TODAY: Community Living in Isolation
Hey everyone, there is a free webinar later today called “Community Living in Isolation: Responding to COVID-19.” You can check out details and register here.
This webinar is presented in partnership with CLBC and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA). Panelists will be considering what Community Living looks like in a pandemic, when access to community is limited, and also discussing how the Community Living and housing sectors are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Free online training with posAbilities: LINK! Safety, Relationships, Sexuality
Hey everyone, posAbilities is offering free Zoom-hosted online sessions called LINK! Safety, Relationships, Sexuality from June 2 to July 2.
Along with two mandatory sessions for all participants, sessions available include:
- Different Types of Touch and Trusted People
- Self-Care
- Gender and Identity
- Relationships and Decision Making
- Online Safety and Pornography
- Dating and Break-Ups
- Thinking about Sex (Determining “Readiness”, Types of Sexual Activity)
- Safer Sex (STIs and Contraception)
Check out their poster (PDF link below) for more information and details on how to register!
Emergency Preparedness Week!
Hey everyone, it’s Emergency Preparedness Week from May 3-9 in the Central Okanagan!
As we are heading into fire and flood season, we thought we would share some great resources from CORD Emergency Operations including Flooding Preparedness, getting FireSmart, and information from the Province! They also have an option to sign up for their email updates.
Check it out here.

CLBC Hosts Conference Call (All)

Hi everyone, CLBC is hosting a conference call this Friday (April 17) to provide an update to self advocates and families on services and supports during the current COVID-19 pandemic. See full information and details on how to participate here.
CLBC Hosts Conference Call (Home Share)

Hey everyone, CLBC is hosting a conference call tomorrow (Thursday, April 16) about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation for Home Share Providers. See full details here on how to participate.
UPDATE: Free Sanitizer!
Hey everyone, a local Kelowna distillery is giving away free sanitizer this Saturday between 12-5 pm – you can check out details here.
PLEASE NOTE: The distillery has modified processes for the giveaway this weekend following unanticipated demand, please check out the changes.
Choir! Choir! Choir! – Choir!ntine!
Hey everyone:
This is a great news story – Choir! Choir! Choir! is a group of ‘flash mob’ singers where a pile of people gather at a club or a bar to sing a song or two – I can’t personally wait for this COVID quarantine to be over to go somewhere they are singing to participate. Plus… they’re CANADIAN…!
Some of my favourites: Choir! Choir! Choir! with Rick Astley, Rufus Wainwright, The Barenaked Ladies and Colin Hay.
The two main guys in Choir! Choir! Choir! have set up a couple of sing-a-longs – this is a great way to sing with them and hopefully add a little music to our lives. See the one below and… stay safe!
Virtual Symphony Concerts!

Hey everyone, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is offering virtual streaming concerts – and they’ve started posting them to YouTube here!
Have someone in your life who likes classical music? Hop on the phone, hit “play” at the same time, and watch a “virtual symphony” concert together.