Healthy Eating Habits…

The Government of Canada has emailed bulletin reminders out about the importance of keeping healthy eating habits. Maintaining healthy habits is important, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some suggestions to try and make part of your healthy eating routine:

  • Planning regular times for meals each day.
  • Making half of your plate vegetables and fruits.
  • Planning your meals to help you cook more often.
  • Eating with others in your home, or virtually if you live alone.

There are more healthy eating habits here.

LINK! Sexual Health Education

PosAbilities is once again offering LINK! – Safety, Relationships, Sexuality training, starting May 11th. Their Sexual Health Education curriculum provides individuals with diverse abilities relevant sexual health information, and empowers them to explore their sexuality in a safe and healthy manner.

This free online program is being offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays (4-5:30 pm) to participants aged 19 years and older. For more information including the list of topics covered, dates and times, please see the poster attached. Registration is online here: Feel free to share the flyer!
