Hey everyone, check out CLBC’s current Update for Individuals and Families.
FSI Weekly News
Hey everyone, the Family Support Institute’s Weekly News is now available, check it out here.
Celebrate Caregivers! Taking good care…
Hey everyone, we’re focusing our posts on CAREGIVERS and resources for caregivers this month. We know that one of the challenges faced by many caregivers is…making time and space to take good care of yourself, as a caregiver.
We’ve talked before about the dangers of compassion fatigue, caregiver stress, and burnout , and we posted about the Family Caregivers of BC resources available earlier this week.
It can be hard to know where to start with self-care, so we wanted to highlight the Family Caregivers of BC webinars as one way to start building your toolkit. There’s many webinars to choose from, but why not start with this one? It’s called “Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others” and covers compassion fatigue and how the body and mind deals with chronic stress, as well as what you as a caregiver can do to sustain and nourish yourself.
There’s additional resources available too:
PowerPoint slide deck for presentation
Exploring Your Relationship to Self and Others with Self-Compassion
SPOTLIGHT: Family Caregivers of BC Resources!
Hey everyone, we’re focusing our posts on CAREGIVERS and resources for caregivers this month. We know that one of the challenges faced by many caregivers is…connecting with others for support as caregivers.
So…here is a great resource!
Family Caregivers of BC has ongoing support available for caregivers. According to their website, they provide “direct support to caregivers through one-on-one emotional support, caregiver support groups, health care system navigation, and free educational resources.”
- Access information, self-assessment resources, and help here
- Access their virtual caregiver support group here
- Connect through their newsletter by signing up here
- Find COVID-19 caregiver resources listed here
You can also call the BC Caregiver Support Line (toll-free: 1-877-520-3267) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am – 7:00 pm.
Celebrate Caregivers! A Day in the Life…
Hey everyone, it’s the first week of CAREGIVERS month here on our blog. Though we post here a lot about caregiving and for caregivers, we thought it would be a great time to take a step back and to remind ourselves of what caregiving looks like.
Here’s A Day in the Life of a Caregiver…caregivers, this might not be exactly how your own day looks, but its our way of saying: we see you, we value you, and we appreciate all you do!
THANK YOU to all our caregivers for showing up for those they care for, day-in and day-out.
SPOTLIGHT: FSI Resources for Caregivers!
Hey everyone, we’re focusing our posts on CAREGIVERS this month. We know that one of the challenges faced by many caregivers is…connecting with other caregivers, and connecting those they care for with others.
So…here is a great resource!
The Family Support Institute of BC offers their Calendar for Connection, as well as several other, each month. We’ve posted their events before, but we wanted to make sure you’d heard about ALL their calendars!
- Check out the Calendar for Connection here.
- Check out the calendar of Family Support Institute events here.
- Check out the FSI list of external (partner) events here.
Lots happening online, too! Check it out.
Celebrate Caregivers!
Hey everyone, on the heels of Community Inclusion month, we celebrate all of the amazing caregivers in the world each November — and we invite you to join us! This month, we will be posting on our blog all about topics of interest and resources for caregivers. Today, we are kicking things off with a message of encouragement. Thank you, caregivers!
Upcoming online training!
Hey everyone, we’ve been posting about PivotPoint’s upcoming online training — don’t forget to sign up if you’re interested! This month’s topic is Behavioural Support Plan Management.
Happy Halloween!
Hey everyone, we hope you have a fun (and safe!) Halloween weekend!
Here are a few safety tips from the National Fire Protection Association, and from the RCMP.
Rights & Responsibilities…
Hey everyone, as you know we’ve been posting topics for Community Inclusion month and last week we talked a bit about self advocacy.
A really important part of self advocacy is standing up for your own rights. We have a whole page that talks about rights and responsibilities here, complete with help to understand different kinds of rights, like:
- the Right to Say No
- the Right to Vote
- the Right to Love
- the Right to Have a Job
- the Right to Believe
- the right to be safe — especially, help to Say No To Abuse
Everyone has rights as a person in Canada, and rights as a person in BC. If you have a disability and you are getting supports, you also have rights as a person who uses the services of Community Living BC (CLBC).
With all those different kinds of rights in mind, we thought this would be a good time to remind ourselves about this awesome conversation that helped explore rights and responsibilities:
If you’ve got questions about rights and responsibilities, please let us know or leave us a comment.