Mental Health Tips…

Hey everyone, the Government of Canada sent around some really important mental health tips to keep in mind, check it out:

It’s important to take care of your mental health. Small and effective lifestyle choices can benefit your mental health, like:

  • Finding ways to stay socially connected while physical distancing.
  • Practising mindfulness.
  • Eating healthy meals.

The Wellness Together Canada portal provides credible resources and support, including confidential counselling, to take care of your mental health during COVID-19.

Click here for more information on how to take care of yourself .

Your social distancing reminder of the week…

…comes with an invitation to join in upcoming online events hosted by the Family Support Institute! Check it out!

Upcoming FSIBC Zoom Conversations
Our Zoom conversations are a safe space for families and caregivers to come together for support, camaraderie, inspiration, trouble-shooting, and sharing what’s hard. Some of these sessions are by theme/topic and others are for general conversation and engagement. Whatever you might be feeling right now — overwhelmed, sadness, fear, anxiety — you are not alone.

You can also subscribe to their newsletter by clicking here.

TRAINING: Plan Institute

Hey all, the winter online training sessions presented by Plan Institute were listed in their newsletter and include:

  • the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning (For BC residents)
  • Personal Support Network Facilitation

And many other resources, like their 5-part webinar series designed to help people facing social isolation stay connected. You can get more information about everything they have on offer on their website.

TRAINING: LINK Healthy Relationships

Hey everyone, posAbilities is offering free, online (Zoom) LINK Healthy Relationships training in the South Okanagan area this Winter. The LINK! curriculum provides relevant sexual health information and focuses on a variety of topics including:

  • Knowing Your Rights, Consent, and the Law
  • The Basics (Anatomy, Public vs. Private)
  • Different Types of Touch and Trusted People
  • Self-Care
  • Gender and Identity
  • Relationships and Decision Making
  • Online Safety and Pornography
  • Dating and Break-Ups
  • Thinking about Sex (Determining “Readiness”, Types of Sexual Activity)
  • Safer Sex (STIs and Contraception)

Check out the attached info and contact them to register online!

CLBC HSP Conference Call

Hey everyone, the next teleconference call for service providers and Home Share Providers with Dr. Behn Smith will be Dec 8th:
Date: December 8, 2020
Time: 1 – 2:15 p.m.
Call in: Vancouver 604-681-0260, Elsewhere 1-877-353-9184
Participant code: 37568#

Caregiving And…SELF-CARE

Self-care poster

We are celebrating Caregivers the whole month of November! This week we are talking about Self-Care. Let’s dive right in.

DIVING IN: What is self-care? You are a caregiver, and the work you do is very important and very rewarding – but it can also mean your own needs get put last on a to-do list that can seem never-ending. Self-care is everything we do for ourselves that makes us feel relaxed, whole, energized, and rejuvenated. It helps us feel ready to take on what’s next (whatever that is!).

DRILLING DOWN: Why choose self-care? Choosing to take care of yourself means you are able to give keep giving care to others – check out this video that talks about why it’s so important!

Jenny Trott, “SelfCare for Carers: why it’s important for people who care for someone who is disabled”

DIGGING DEEP: Where to start. Start small, even 5 minutes once in a while, and build up from there. What “works” for self-care is completely individual for each of us. Try lots of self-care options to figure out what works for you! Or, “self-share” if connecting with others is what helps you “self-care”! Here are some ideas:

Try anything and everything until you find what works for YOU! Share your favorite experiments with us in the comments!


Hey everyone, if you’re interested in Foodsafe Level 1, Kim has a class coming up on Dec 14th (assuming no further regulatory changes) at the Kanata Kelowna Hotel starting at 8:30am. Contact Kim for info: Kimberley Cresswell (FOODSAFE Level 1 Certified Instructor) at or call 250.863.8112.
